Tuesday, March 4, 2008

It seems that I, like so many other new bloggers, have disappeared from the Blogosphere.

The truth is there just is not much to write about golf in the Berkshire's these days. That may be because I just don't seem to be very inspired. It could be that there just isn't anything interesting to write about.

It's more likely that it's the damn weather and right now I'm just doing my best to get through the days, hoping the snow will melt, and we can get back to what we do best. Which is to complain about the state of our game.

I just heard from my golf buddy...you know...the one who bailed out on this beautiful winter wonderland and absconded to Miami, where the weather is much nicer. Come to find out that he's only played 6 times in the 6 weeks he's been gone! "What the $%$# have you been doing?" I asked him. "Working" he says. OK he's a writer so I guess he can work anywhere, and being a writer he needs to work when he can, but I was disappointed that he wasn't playing six times a week! I was hoping for a few vicarious birdies...or something.

Just basically unhappy all the way around, I guess.

One ray of hope, in the Berkshire's at any rate. I heard the other day that the Golf Scribe has found a buyer for his site and someone will be continuing the wonderful work that Dom has done over the past few years. I know that a number of people are happy that the Player of the Year competition will continue.

So till next time...I'll be the guy with the snow shovel and the pained expression on his face.

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